Tuesday, December 31, 2013

2013 December Reading List

Sycamore Row by John Grisham – I wish I could remember A Time to Kill better so I could evaluate how Grisham’s style has evolved over the years, but too many years have passed and back then I wasn’t giving much consideration to style while reading. 4/5 stars
Ferestrele timpului. Antologie de fictiuni speculative (Windows of Time) edited by Stefan Ghidoveanu – Since one of my stories is included in this anthology, I was very curious to read what the other writers have imagined related to time travel. My favorite stories were written by Adrian Buzdugan, Narcisa Stoica, and Florin Pitea.

Ancillary Justice by Ann Leckie – This book frustrated me to no end. First, because the premise is so cool, but the engagement for the reader is lacking big time. Second, whenever I became invested in one storyline, the focus jumped to something else. Instead of making me hurry to read further, I just put the book down, knowing that a large chuck of text that didn’t particularly interested me at the moment followed. 4/5 stars

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